ビーズ刺繍作家 maki
Web SITE:https://www.maki-embroidery.com
Epic/Sony Records勤務後、ギャラリーartist in主催のカフェで刺繍を楽しむワークショップ「刺繍CAFE」に参加し、枠にとらわれず絵を描くように、そして素材一つ一つと色から発せられるメッセージを受け取りながら直感とひらめきを大切にする刺繍の魅力にはまり本格的に創作活動を開始する。
その後、1800年代フランスのリュネヴィルという街で発祥したオートクチュール刺繍のリュネビル刺繍を知り、ファッション業界で活躍している刺繍アトリエが生み出す作品や世界に憧れ、東京にある刺繍アトリエ「オートクチュール刺繍 Lemmikko」で学び始める。
クロシェ・ド ・リュネビル(Crochet de Lunéville)という特殊な細いかぎ針を使い、ビーズやスパンコールを生地の裏側から刺繍していく技術を習得。
★ 2022年4月 第18回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」「入賞」を受賞 作品名 "黄昏に舞う"
● 2015年〜2018年 Cafe Cure(茅ヶ崎)で初個展・SZKギャラリー(茅ヶ崎) クリスマス展覧会・茅の美展・天使/人魚展・グループ展 ギャラリー大作戦39・ギャラリー大作戦10 五里霧中 (東京芸術劇場 アトリエイースト)
● 2019年 第16回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」(東京都美術館)・東京銀座 プチ・ベラドンナ展(アモーレ銀座ギャラリー)・アートフェア "Salon Art Shopping Paris"(Carrousel du Louvre Paris)
● 2020年 JCAT Online exhibition "Beautiful"
● 2021年 第17回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」(東京都美術館)・公募展 花とひと5(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo 四谷)・JCAT Online Exhibition "SUMMER"・フリルと帽子展(Gallery IYN 大阪)・IYN Art Festival in 神戸阪急
● 2022年 IYN Art Festival in 神戸阪急 コサージュブローチ販売・219公募展Vol.3(Gallery219 東京 表参道)・幸せの花園 vol.2 in 神戸阪急・あつまれ!どうぶつイラスト展(松坂屋高槻店)・ 第18回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」(東京都美術館)・アートの交差展(Gallery219 東京 表参道)・Made in Japan Exhibition(Noho M55 Gallery in New York)
● 2023年 FUDGE gallery & cafe展示販売 (品川区)・第19回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」(東京都美術館)・公募展 bouquet -ブーケ-3 (The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo)・豊島区総合美術展 みんなのギャラリー(東京芸術劇場 アトリエイースト)
● 2024年 ギャラリー美の舎公募展「猫と鳥たち」・第20回全国美術公募作品展「ベラドンナ・アート展」(東京都美術館)・「猫とビールと音楽と。」(GALLERY SAGE)・豊島区総合美術展 みんなのギャラリー(豊島区庁舎1Fとしまセンタースクエア)
Embroidery artist, maki
Maki lives in Tokyo.
After leaving her position at a record-label company, she attended a workshop organized by the “artist in Gallery” at “Embroidery CAFE”. She was attracted by the ability to create out of the box artworks, and the importance of intuitions and inspirations that emanate from each material and color, and decided to properly start her embroidery career.
After learning that the origins of the Lunéville embroidery was from a town called Lunéville in 1800s France, and being captivated by the artworks produced by embroidery ateliers in the fashion industry, maki joined the embroidery atelier, “Lemmikko” in Tokyo.
She learned the “Crochet de Lunéville (Crochet hook)” technique, where a special thin needle is used to embroider the beads and sequins on the backside of the fabric.
She learned to enjoy the process of producing glitz and glamor by following patterns to decorate with beads and sequins, and found delight in freely combining and creating one piece with the various materials, colors, and shapes. The thickness of the string, the strength of the stitchings, and a small 1mm difference in the position of the needle, changes the balance of the whole piece. The delicate process tested and strengthened her attention span and mental powers.
Her artworks are based on the theme of women. She colorfully expresses the female attractiveness, mysteriousness, cuteness, flirtatiousness, elegance, strength, and inner thoughts with beads, sequins, fabric, lace, feathers, paper, and other stitchable objects through the Lunéville embroidery and needle embroidery method in a small picture frame. She incorporates out-of-the-ordinary concepts, dreams, and fashion into her embroidery art.
She held her first solo exhibition at a cafe in 2015 and later opened an online store. From 2015 to 2018, she exhibited at several galleries and in 2016 and 2017, she exhibited at a group exhibition in the Tokyo Metropolitan Theater Atelier East Gallery. In 2019, she exhibited at a Ginza gallery organized art exhibition at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum and the art fair, “Salon Art Shopping” in Paris.
She won the prize at the 18th Belladonna Art public exhibition in 2022.
< Career >
● July. 2015 The solo exhibition at Cafe Cure at Chigasaki in Kanazawa, Japan
● From 2015 to 2018 Exhibitions of art sponsored by SZK gallery at Chigasaki in Kanazawa, Japan
● Nov. 2016 The joint exhibition of painters at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Atelier East in Tokyo.
● Dec. 2017 The joint exhibition of painters at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Atelier East in Tokyo.
● Apr. 2019 " Belladonna Art " Exhibition sponsored by AMORE GINZA gallery at TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM.
● Aug. 2019 "Tokyo Ginza Petite Belladonna" Exhibition at AMORE GINZA gallery in Tokyo.
● Oct. 2019 Art Fair "Salon Art Shopping Paris" at Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.
● Sep. 2020 JCAT Online exhibition "Beautiful" (JCAT Online Gallery)
● Apr. 2021 "Belladonna Art Exhibition" at TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM in Tokyo, Japan.
● Apr. 2021 Open exhibition "Flower and Person 5"(The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo)
● Jul. 2021 JCAT Online Exhibition "SUMMER"(JCAT Online Gallery)
● Oct. 2021 "Frills and Hat" Exhibition(Gallery IYN at Osaka)
● Oct. 2021 "IYN Art Festival in Kobe Hankyu」(Kobe Hankyu at Kobe)
● Apr. 2022 "Belladonna Art Exhibition" at TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM in Tokyo, Japan.
● Feb. 2022 "219 Open exhibition Vol.3"(Gallery 219 at Omotesando in Tokyo)
● Aug. 2022 "N.Y.・Chelsea Made in Japan Exhibition"(Noho M55 Gallery in N.Y.)
● Apr. 2023 "Belladonna Art Exhibition" at TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM in Tokyo, Japan.