How long does it take to ship after placing an order?"
Your order will be shipped within 2 to 3 business days after confirmation.
Could you tell me about the shipping methods?
A刺繍アートは「ゆうパック」もしくは「ヤマト運輸」、コサージュブローチは「宅急便コンパクト」もしくは「ゆうパック」、冊子は「クリックポスト」で発送しております。 お買い上げ金額合計3万円以上は日本国内送料無料となっております。 海外発送の場合はEMSで発送致します。
Embroidery art pieces are shipped via 'Yu-Pack' or 'Yamato Transport.' Corsage brooches are sent using 'Compact Courier' or 'Yu-Pack,' while booklets are delivered by 'Click Post.' Domestic shipping within Japan is free for orders totaling 30,000 yen or more. For international shipping, I use EMS (Express Mail Service).

Could you tell me about the delivery areas?
A全国へお届け致します。 海外発送も可能です。
I deliver throughout Japan and also offer international shipping.
Can I return or exchange the item?
Aお客様都合での商品の返品、交換は承れません。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※保護袋・箱は対象外となっています。
Returns and exchanges due to customer preference cannot be accepted. Thank you for your understanding. *Please note that protective bags and boxes are not eligible for return or exchange.

QSOLD OUTのコサージュブローチの再入荷はありますか?
Will there be a restock of the sold-out corsage brooch?
A申し訳ございません。 コサージュブローチも全て一点物で同じものを再販する予定はございません。
I apologize, but all my corsage brooches are one-of-a-kind pieces, so I do not plan to restock the same designs.
Do you have a physical shop?
I do not have a physical store. I sell my works through my online store and at exhibitions held in galleries, cafes, and other venues.

International shipping is available.

▪️8月「HANDMADE EXPO2025」(西武渋谷店)